Feeling tired? Looking worn out? Emotionally drained? Want to boost your libido? Memory failing you? Need to lose excess weight – for good?
Balance your hormones to get your energy back and nurture your body to restore your youthful glow and promote longevity!
We integrate the latest breakthroughs in science with:
Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy
HGH - Growth Hormone
Nutrition Counseling,
Acupuncture, and
Empowerment Coaching
The Optimal Heath MD Team has created a full-day experience designed to develop a comprehensive Age Management Program unique to you for early detection of latent medical problems.
If you are looking to increase your energy level, (including sexual energy,) reduce body fat, increase lean muscle and bone density, improve your cognitive function, and strengthen your immune system so as to remain as disease free as possible, consider the Age Management Program Evaluation provided by the Optimal Heath MD Team.
The Evaluation
Your Age Management Evaluation establishes your hormonal and metabolic "baseline" that will provide your Physician with the necessary medical information to recommend therapies unique to you that will increase your energy level - including sexual energy - reduce body fat, increase lean muscle and bone density, improve cognitive function, lower cholesterol, as well as strengthen your immune system so as to remain as disease free as possible.
When you decide to schedule an Age Management Program Evaluation, it will take approximately 15 minutes to obtain your information and select an available date. Within 5 working days, you will receive a FedEx package that includes the Patient Guide, Lifestyle Questionnaire, Food Summary Log, and Directions to the Institute. You will complete the Lifestyle Questionnaire and Food Summary Log and fax them to us.
Within 2 weeks after your Age Management Program Evaluation is scheduled, you will receive a call from our Partner Phlebotomy Network to schedule a blood draw which can be done at your home or office Mondays through Thursdays and requires a 12-hour fast. Your blood will be sent via FedEx by the phlebotomist to our Partner Lab for analysis. The Optimal Health physician will receive your lab results within 2 weeks from the date your blood was drawn.
The Age Management Program Evaluation will last approximately 4 hours and will include special diagnostics, a comprehensive nutrition and exercise consultation, a physical examination, empowerment coaching plan and an open-ended physician consultation usually lasting 2 hours. Your Optimal Health physician will discuss with you findings based on your lab results, diagnostics, medical history and lifestyle. After every issue has been thoroughly discussed and all of your questions have been answered, your Optimal Health physician will design a program unique to achieving your short-term and long-term goals. Ideally, we would complete your blood draw and obtain all your lab results prior to your Age Management Program Evaluation. Alternatively, for our patients residing outside the United States or Canada or if you need to schedule your Age Management Program Evaluation within the next 4 week period, your blood can be drawn on the day you visit the office. We can complete everything during your Age Management Program Evaluation except for the final recommendations. Your Age Management Program would be discussed with you during a scheduled call once your lab results are received and analyzed by our medical team.