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AGING - is definitely a dreaded word for many people, especially those hitting the middle age mark. When you're close to 40, you begin to feel like as if your body is no longer at the level it used to be. You might be in tip-top shape overall, jog a few times a week, and eat well, but you will definitely feel, and see, the insidious effects of aging taking shape within, and without your body. What is there to do about the situation? Can you even do anything serious about aging?

Although growing old is a part of life, there is no reason why we humans must accept aging hands down. What ever happened to the age-old multi centenarians mentioned in religious texts like the Bible? Clearly, those ancient people were used to old age, and even 40 years old was considered to be a young age figure. But here is the keyword in long life: It must have quality as well. There is no point in living long if you're going to be wasting away in a nursing home, with barely a working mind or memory, and with eyesight that can hardly see beyond the newspaper you're holding.

This is why the discovery of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) and its role in the human body - has so much significance. HGH is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. Although HGH was discovered a long time ago, it only got mainstream attention when a doctor named Daniel Rudman published the results of his findings in the New England Journal in 1990. He tested HGH on a group of elderly men and compared the positive changes with a test control group that did not receive HGH. Ever since then, many other medical researchers have followed up on HGH research, and have confirmed that HGH is one of the most viable anti aging substances known to man.

HGH was originally meant to be administered only to children with growth difficulties, but it soon became apparent that elderly people needed it, and before long, middle aged people as well. Even so, a long time elapsed before pharmaceutical companies could learn how to manufacture HGH synthetically. Due to manufacturing costs, HGH is expensive to procure and legally obtain even till today, but many under the counter transactions take place due to high demand. Athletes comprise a large segment of HGH users, but it is them that have given the hormone a bad name due to many cases of abuse, all for the purpose of gaining a performance advantage.



Reduce stress and anxiety

Enhance immune system

Increase strength

Reduce weight and body fat

Enhance cardiac output

Enhance sexual performance

Increase lean muscle

Lower blood pressure

Remove wrinkles and cellulite

Improve memory and mood

Improve metabolism

Cholesterol HDL/LDL balance



Optimal Health MD, LLC. - Age Managment Network | | ©2010 All right reserved.
Optimal Health MD - Provides information about health, fitness, news and nutrition, hormone therapy, services and products. Medical consultation and referral services to licensed US physician network that specialize in the treatment regarding adult hormone deficiency and related symptoms. Optimal Health MD also provides l information. USE OF THIS SITE SIGNIFIES ACCEPTANCE OF THIS USER AGREEMENT: Use of this web site acknowledges users agreement to the terms of use and privacy policies associated with this web site. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not start or stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician.