AGING - is definitely a dreaded word for many people, especially those hitting the middle age mark. When you're close to 40, you begin to feel like as if your body is no longer at the level it used to be. You might be in tip-top shape overall, jog a few times a week, and eat well, but you will definitely feel, and see, the insidious effects of aging taking shape within, and without your body. What is there to do about the situation? Can you even do anything serious about aging?
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HGH - Human Growth Hormone is the largest protein produced by the pituitary gland made up of 191 amino acids. Proteins are made of building blocks known as amino acids. HGH is genetically engineered of the same 191 amino acids. It’s the same genetic engineering they use for insulin. They cloned the 191 amino acids and put them together in the same exact sequence of the DNA for that of HGH. It’s 100% identical, physically, chemically and biologically to the one made by the pituitary gland.
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AGHD - Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency, so how do you determine if you need HGH? Well, your age and overall health are the factors here. If you're young and still growing, you do not need HGH. But, if you're over 40 years of age, and you are beginning to see wrinkles, graying hair, fatigue, and declining memory among other aging symptoms, supplementing your HGH levels will most likely help. But, please consult a qualified doctor before beginning on a (HGH) growth hormone program.
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Reduce stress and anxiety
Enhance immune system
Increase strength
Reduce weight and body fat
Enhance cardiac output
Enhance sexual performance
Increase lean muscle
Lower blood pressure
Remove wrinkles and cellulite
Improve memory and mood
Improve metabolism
Cholesterol HDL/LDL balance |
